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Wellness WEdnesday - Sleep

Sleep - an elusive necessity in more ways than one. It is a highly studied topic with very few answers. We know that sleep is crucial for health, but there is no conclusive answer to why it is essential. We may not know exactly why we need sleep (there are a few theories out there), but we definitely do know some of the benefits of catching enough zzzzz's (7-9 hours for adults).

Improved memory - When we sleep, our memories including what we learn are consolidated. This essentially means that they are solidified in our minds allowing us to recall later. So staying up all night studying isn't actually the best move if you want to ace that test.

Improved immune function - We've all been there. A crazy week at work leaving little time for sleep followed by that sore throat or worse. When are bodies aren't allowed to rest, our immune system isn't able to fight off all of the unwanted sickness.

Weight maintenance & reduction in inflammation - Inadequate sleep can actually contribute to the inflammation that we also see from consuming too much sugar and experiencing stress. Inflammation in itself can lead to weight gain. Furthermore, when we are tired, we tend to make poor food selection choices and some even eat to stay awake.

Other benefits of adequate sleep include improved skin elasticity, endurance, reduced rates of accidents, improved productivity, and focus.

Getting enough sleep is crucial for our wellness journeys. It won't happen every night, but if you can start to build and evening routine starting at the same time every night, you are likely to find improved sleep and mental clarity the following day. Try to avoid screens directly before bed and take a few moments to reflect on the positives of the day.

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