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"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia child


I believe in the power of food to heal the body, nurture relationships, and to enjoy life. I am a proponent of real, whole foods - not the packaged, diet, low-fat stuff.  I enjoy food - cooking it, eating it, talking about it - and hope that you do too! As a registered and licensed dietitian based out of Oklahoma City, I work with clients in person and remotely with a variety of goals to find health and happiness through the food that we eat. From nutrition counseling to meal planning to grocery assistance, I offer a full spectrum of nutrition services to meet your needs. I received a Bachelor's and Master's degree in nutrition and am passionate about working with people who want to feel better and live a happier, healthier, more fun life.


When I am not working with clients or developing recipes for the blog, you can probably find me checking out the newest restaurants in OKC with my husband, Nick, at a spin or yoga class, or snuggling with our sweet pup, Ben.


Contact me through the contact page, and I will be in touch!

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